
Minggu, 17 Maret 2019

Wilson: Regional Leaders Forum will be held in Bali October 2019

INFONEWS.CO.ID ■ 31st Conference of the Asean Japan Friendship Alumni Association Leadership Council held in Makati, Manila, Philippines some time ago it has been a success.

Of the five resolutions or important decisions that were made at the Conference, one of them was the appointment of Indonesia to host the 25th Regional Leaders Forum (RLF).

The RLF will be attended by no less than 150 participants from 11 countries, namely ten ASEAN countries, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Singapore and Indonesia, plus the Japanese delegation.

This was conveyed by President Kappija-21 (Alumni Family of the Indonesian Century 21st Friendship Program), Mulyono Lodji, through Secretary General Kappija-21, Wilson Lalengke, in Jakarta, on Friday (03/15/2019).

"The 31st Executive Council Meeting of the Asean Japan Friendship Alumni Association in Manila has finished, successfully produced several resolutions. One of them is the appointment of Indonesia, in this case Kappija-21, is hosting the Regional Leaders Forum, RLF, which will be attended by "Participants from all ASEAN countries and Japan," said Wilson, who was an Alumni of the Indonesian Japan Friendship Program in 2000.

Wilson explained that according to the agreement taken at the AJAFA-21 leaders' meeting in Makati, the RLF will be held in Bali for 4 days, from the 4th to 7th October 2019.

"According to the Makati Resolution, the RLF activity plan will be held in Bali for 4 days, from the 4th to 7th October 2019. We will work hard to prepare everything so that this international event can run well, smoothly and successfully," he said.

The meeting of leaders at the ASEAN regional level, said Wilson, will be utilized maximally as possible to hold activities that are fostering and preparing candidates for ASEAN young leaders.

He said Kappija-21 was targeting 5000 prospective young ASEAN leaders to attend. The activities were carried out in several cities in Indonesia, involving as many as possible of Kappija-21 Members in various regions.

"The target is as many as 5000 young ASEAN leaders from all over the country and Asean countries," Wilson said optimistically.

■ Tuman Jr

Seeing the replica of the Borobudur Temple in Gianyar Nusa Bali

INFONEWS.CO.ID ■ Life continues as water continues to flow in search of form and natural law. When humans are familiar with writing and living traditional technology, human intelligence develops and changes towards a more perfect civilization.

Historical evidence is widely spread and found in Javanese land in the form of inscriptions, monuments, temples and old documents. One of the biggest is Borobudur Temple.

Now you are looking at a replica of the temple which is one of the wonders of the world, which is in Magelang Regency, Central Java, or about 30 Km from the city of Yogyakarta, the name Borobudur Temple.

Borobudur Temple was founded by Wangsa Syailendra named Prabu Samaratungga in the 9th century and originated from the Mataram Kingdom of Medang Kamulan. The architect was named Gunadharma and Kumaragosa. The construction of the largest Buddhist temple in the world was continued by Princess Samaratungga named Sri Kahulunan Dyah Pramodawardhani.

Borobudur whose real name is Bhumi Shambara Budhara is in the form of punden berundak, with levels including: Karmawibangga, Kamadatu, Rupadatu, Arupadatu and Bodisatwa. The painting on the temple wall is a historical story of the journey of Sidharta Gautama (the Buddha) which must be read in the direction of the inverted clock.

The replica of Borobudur owned by Taman Nusa is made from the original stones of Mount Merapi and is done by sculptors from around the Borobudur and Muntilan temples. If you are around the replica of this temple while taking pictures, people will think you really are in the Borobudur Temple which is actually in Magelang.

So what are you waiting for? Let's learn and recognize the richness of Indonesian culture while enjoying the natural beauty of Bali at Taman Nusa.

■ Made Asnawa

MIUMI Curses Terrorism in Two Christchurch Mosques

INFONEWS.CO.ID ■ The Indonesian Intellectual and Young Ulama Council (MIUMI) gave a statement about the acts of terror that took place in two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, on Friday (3/15/2019).

MIUMI Secretary General, Bachtiar Nashir said that as part of a country with a majority Muslim population, MIUMI strongly condemned the massacres carried out by savage terrorists.

"This savage act is a behavior that is contrary to human values, tolerance of religious people and world peace," he said on Friday (03/15/2019).

He continued, for this reason MIUMI demanded from the New Zealand government to investigate quickly and thoroughly arrest and give the most severe punishment to the perpetrators.

MIUMI conveyed to the world that the terror that occurred would not stop the enthusiasm of Muslims to come to the mosque and the enthusiasm of people to embrace Islam.

MIUMI also urged the Indonesian government to sue the New Zealand government to provide genuine security guarantees, especially the security of mosques and Muslims in New Zealand. MIUMI also calls on Muslims all over the world to continue to pray in congregation in mosques without fear of staying alert and guarding themselves.

Bachtiar Nashir said that this event gave the world the impression that the existence of Muslims is always a protector and teaches tolerance but on the contrary if the position of Muslims as a minority is always the target of tyranny.

MIUMI calls on the people of Indonesia and the world not to be provoked by the savage acts carried out by international terrorists.

"Appealing to the world's Muslims not to take revenge on other people who are not involved and to hand over this matter to the authorities and authorities," said Bachtiar Nashir.

■ Tuman Jr

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