
Sabtu, 21 September 2019

Viral Video Panas ASN Pemprov Jabar, Pelakunya Ternyata Guru SMK

BANDUNG - Teka-teki tersebarnya foto dan video syur "Mbak cantik" pakai seragam pegawai Pemprov Jabar yang bikin penasaran kini terbongkar. Berdasarkan kronologinya, pelaku sengaja menyebarkan foto dan video syur itu di media sosial.

Penyebarnya berinisial RIA, guru mesin otomotif dengan status honorer di Purwakarta. Rupanya, penyebar ini sekaligus juga perekam adegan panas Mbak cantik berseragam PNS Pemprov Jabar.

Mulanya, ia menyebarkan video syur itu ke sebuah grup Facebook. Ada dua video yang dibagikan RIA pada Agustus 2019.

"Agustus 2019, tersangka mendistribusikan dua konten video adegan suami istri ke Facebook," kata Wakil Direktur Ditreskrimsus Polda Jabar, AKBP Harry Brata.

Akibatnya, video tersebut pun banyak disebarkan kembali oleh warganet. Video syur itu terhitung sampai dua ribu kali disebarkan ulang. Kemudian, ada pula yang menyebarkannya di Twitter. Sebuah akun Twitter mengunggah itu pada 14 September 2019.

Tersebarnya video syur Mbak cantik berseragam PNS Pemprov Jabar ini pun viral. Puncaknya, Kamis (19/9/2019), viralnya foto dan video syur itu menjadi pemberitaan media massa.

Hal yang mencuri perhatian dan menjadi sorotan adalah logo Pemprov Jabar dari pakaian yang dikenakan wanita dalam video.

Di media sosial Twitter, viral foto dan video yang memperlihatkan seorang perempuan berkerudung dan mengenakan seragam PNS atau ASN, beradegan tak senonoh.

Terkait hal ini, pihak Pemprov Jabar sampai buka suara untuk menindaklanjutinya. Pihak Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) bahkan turut melacak wajah wanita cantik di database ASN Pemprov Jabar.

Namun, hasilnya nihil. Tak ada wajah yang sama antara potret pada video syur dengan kumpulan potret di database ASN Pemprov Jabar.

Kini terungkap sudah bahwa si Mbak cantik itu memang bukan PNS Pemprov Jabar. Ia adalah RJ. Rupanya RJ dan RIA sempat menjalin hubungan asmara. Latar belakang hubungan asmara inilah yang membuat Ria nekat menyebar video syur RJ.

Kepada polisi, RIA mengaku tak sudi diputusin oleh RJ. Alasan itulah yang membuat pelaku malah bertindak gegabah. Ia tak terima ditinggalkan oleh si Mbak cantik, wanita pujaannya.

"Tersangka tidak rela ditinggalkan dan mengakhiri hubungan dengan saudari RJ sehingga memotivasi tersangka untuk mengunggah video ke grup," katanya.

Nasib RIA dan RJ Sekarang

Mbak cantik berseragam PNS pada foto dan video syur adalah guru Bahasa Inggris di sebuah SMK swasta di Purwakarta. Usianya 30 tahun. Ia bukan guru PNS, Mbak cantik itu seorang guru honorer.

Hubungan suami istri itu dilakukan di dalam mobil. Adegan panas dilakukan di parkiran sebuah pusat perbelanjaan. Rupanya, adengan suami istri itu direkam oleh pria yang berada dalam mobil bersama RJ. Ia adalah RIA yang juga guru di SMK yang sama.

Hal ini siampaikan Wakil Direktur Ditreskrimsus Polda Jabar, AKBP Harry Brata, Jumat (20/9/2019).

"Menggunakan handphone, merekam adegan hubungan suami istri yang dilakukan di kendaran roda empat," ujarnya dikutip tribunjabar.id.

Kini, nasib si pria ditetapkan sebagai tersangka. Ia terancam hukuman penjara paling lama enam tahun atau denda paling banyak Rp 2 miliar.

Diketahui, tersangka dijerat Pasal Pasal 45 ayat 1 juncto Pasal 27 ayat 1 Uu Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik.

Selain Ria, nasib Mbak cantik pemeran video syur itu pun sudah ditangkap polisi. Keduanya sudah diamankan polisi di Purwakarta. (*/IN-001)

Kamis, 04 Juli 2019

Rizal-Hamsul Chosen Acclamation Leads North Luwu JOIN

INFONEWS.CO.ID ■ The management of "JOIN" South Sulawesi kept the promise to form a new management in the North, namely "JOIN" North Luwu (Lutra).

In the elections held at Daeng Azis Warkop on Jalan Trans Sulawesi, on Wednesday 3 July 2019 by acclamation chose Rizal Muthahari (Journalist InputSulsel.com) to lead the North Luwu "JOIN".

The Chairperson of North Luwu "JOIN", Rizal was accompanied by Deputy Chairperson of Darwil (Batarapos.com), Secretary Hamsul (Matarakyatmu.com) Deputy Secretary Andi Safaat (Teraskata.com) and Treasurer held by Jusman (IndonesiaSatu.co.id).

The meeting was held following the statement of the resignation of several North Luwu "JOIN" administrators before, including the Chairperson, Ibnu M.

The Chairman of South Sulawesi "JOIN", Rifai Manangkasi, said that the formation of North Luwu "JOIN" management for the 2019-2022 period was an accumulation of organizational dynamics.

"The resignation of some managers does not mean the end of everything in North Luwu JOIN," he said.

He added, it is hoped that the new management with this old face can increase the activity beyond the previous management.

In order for the work programs to be realized need the support of various parties so that coordination and communication to various institutions is needed.

"Effective communication between members and institutions will determine the target of the program to be implemented," Rifai added.

Rifai explained, in running the organization, never feel important until communication and coordination are ignored.

"It could be that we are not considered important if we are arrogant and arrogant and negative attitude to other parties," he added.

At the end of his pride, Rifai hopes that many new managers will solve their personal interests in organizing and be smart in placing themselves.

Present at the North Luwu "JOIN" Consultation included former Secretary of the North Luwu Region, Mahfud, Saras (Public Relations of North Luwu District Government) and Chairperson of North Luwu HMI.

Redaksi South Sulawesi : Putri
Editor: Inggrid Wijanarko

Jumat, 12 April 2019

Tawhid was pronounced by Ustadz Abdul Somad for Prabowo

Tawhid was pronounced by Ustadz Abdul Somad for Prabowo

INFONEWS.CO.ID ■ Ustadz Abdul Somad gave a gift to presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto in a dialogue broadcast by a television station on Thursday afternoon (04/11/2019).

The prize is in the form of perfume and a tasbih. According to Abdul Somad, the prayer beads are his favorite prayer beads that he bought from Medina.

"You can't empty your heart, you have to do a lot of dhikr," said the UAS.

He advised that Prabowo did not need to carry the prayer beads in front of the public. "You don't need to hold this in front of a lot of people, you will be risked by people imagining it," UAS ordered

"You just have to pray for the evening prayers while you do the dhikr, remembrance of the sentence La Ilaha Illallah," he added.

"Prayer beads in the mouth and followed by appreciation in the heart," said UAS, while his right hand holding Prabowo's chest while from his mouth continued to say remembrance La Ilaha Illallah.

"With La Ilaha Illallah we live, with La Ilaha Illallah we die, with La Ilaha Illallah also we will meet the Prophet Muhammad," explained UAS.

Prabowo wiped his eyes several times like crying. After the tasbih was bagged by Prabowo, the UAS said that all matters were left to God Almighty. "What happens after this we submit to Allah SWT," he said.

After that, UAS led a closing prayer for the good of the nation and the presence of a just leader.

Selasa, 19 Maret 2019

About Terrorists in Christchurch, Australian Ambassador Apologizes to Muslims

INFONEWS.CO.ID ■ Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, Gary Quinlan expressed his condolences for the tragedy at the An Noor Mosque, Christchurch, New Zealand. He also apologized because the incident which claimed 50 lives was caused by an Australian citizen.

"I, as the Australian ambassador, arrived here a year ago. I am really waiting for this meeting, especially after cases of murder and terrorism which happened to be terrorists from Australian citizens. On behalf of the Australian individual and government, I convey my deepest condolences. I am very sad, ”he said at the office of the Indonesian Ulama Council, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday (3/19/2019).

On that occasion, Gary also expressed his condolences towards Indonesian citizens who were victims of the mosque.

"Once again we express our condolences to all those who were targeted by the terrorist atrocities, especially from Indonesians, one who died and two were still undergoing treatment at the hospital, a father and a child," he said.

From this incident, the Australian government has taken positive steps so that the incident does not repeat itself.

"The government has taken positive steps such as meeting with priests, meeting with Islamic religious leaders and Islamic scholars, there also present along with the Prime Minister of Australia, leaders of political parties," he said.

Gary added, after the incident in New Zealand, the Australian Government also held a national prayer for the victims of the shooting. Where prayer is open to all Muslims and non-Muslims who wish to pray.

"On that day all the mosques were opened wide, and Muslims, non-Muslims arrived at the mosque and there was a kind of public lecture from the priests, explaining about Islam. I, as an ambassador for Indonesia and non-Muslims, also felt the need to learn a lot about Islam from Muslims, "he said.

■ Tuman Jr 

The Moroccan Ambassador Attends French Language Week in Jakarta

INFONEWS.CO.ID ■ The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Indonesia, Ouadia Benabdella attended the opening of the French Language Week organized by the French Embassy in collaboration with the embassies of French-speaking countries in Indonesia, at the Auditorium Institute Francais Indonesia (IFI), Jalan MH. Thamrin No. 20 Central Jakarta, yesterday (03/18).

In addition to the Ambassador of Morocco, the Ambassador of Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Lebanon, Serbia, Switzerland and Tunisia were also present. These countries use French as one of the official languages ​​of their country.

The Ambassadors were accompanied by their respective consular officials, including Mostafa Nakhlaoui from the Moroccan Embassy and Baghdadi Dhahbi from the Tunisian Embassy.

As is known that the French Embassy annually plans French Language Week activities, carried out by IFI institutions. The activity which lasts for 7 days will be filled with various activities with French nuances in various locations such as campuses and student communities in Jakarta and surrounding areas.

The Opening Ceremony of the French Language Week began with the performance of Tari Piring from West Sumatra hosted by students of the Syarief Hidayatullah State Islamic University in Jakarta. Furthermore, the remarks from the Moroccan Ambassador represented the Ambassadors of Francophonie Countries (French-speaking countries) and the French Ambassador as the host.

In his remarks, the Moroccan Ambassador expressed his gratitude and gratitude for the presence of the Ambassadors and invitees.

Benabdella also hoped that through the event, friendship between Francophonie countries and Indonesia would be even closer, through the similarity of the language of instruction, namely French.

"We hope that friendship between Francophonie countries, as well as with the Indonesian state will be increasingly tightened through the use of French," Ambassador Benabdella said.

The event, which was attended by millennial generations who filled the IFI Auditorium with a capacity of 150 people, was then filled with a concert by Swiss musician Marc Aimon. The concert was quite interesting, presenting several songs in French, interspersed with interactive stories of Marc Aimon with an audience that seemed enthusiastic to follow the flow of appearance of the young musicians.

 ■ Tuman Jr

Senin, 18 Maret 2019

Acclamation, Official Mandagi Leading Indonesian Press Council

INFONEWS.CO.ID ■ The plenary meeting of the Members of the Indonesian Press Council as a result of the 2019 Indonesian Press Congress at the Grand Cempaka Hotel Jakarta, has recently chosen Heintje Mandagi as Chair of the Indonesian Press Council for the period 2019-2022.

The two candidates who were previously mentioned to be strong candidates for the position of Chair of the Indonesian Press Council, Insp. Gen. (ret.) Pol Wisjnu Amat Sastro, former Riau Regional Police Chief, and Dr. Emrus Sihombing - Communication expert, chose to be refused.

The majority of participants in the Indonesian Press Council plenary meeting then chose and decided Heintje Mandagi as Chair of the Press Council.

After officially presiding over the Indonesian Press Council, Heintje Mandagi and Secretary of the Indonesian Press Secretary, together with other members managed to compile the complete composition of the Indonesian Press Council's management structure for the 2019-2022 period.

In the ranks of the core management, Mandagi was accompanied by Deputy Chairperson Emrus Sihombing (Community Leader Elements), and Secretary Sugiharto Santoso (Elements of the Head of Press Company), and H Subaidi (Press and Community Leader Elements) at the Treasurer position.

The structure of the Indonesian Press Council is as follows:

Law and Press Protection Commission: Inspector General (ret.) Pol. Wisjnu Amat Sastro (Community Leader Element)
Competency Certification Commission: Lasman Siahaan, SH, MH (Elements of journalists / leaders of press organizations)
Professional Development Commission: Suriyanto, SH, MH, MKn (Elements of journalists / leaders of press organizations)
Commission for Public Complaints: Mustika Sani, SH, MH (Community Leader Elements)
Press Company Verification Commission: Drs. Maripin Munthe (Element of the head of the press company organization)
Provincial Representative Commission: Febryan Adhitya, SE, MSn (Elements of Press Company Leaders)
Inter-Institutional Relations Commission: Drs. Taufiq Effendi, MBA (Community Leader Element)
Media Empowerment Commission: Compassion (journalist / head of press organization elements)
Business Commission: Drs. Yockie Hutagalung, MM (Community Leader Element)
Commission for Professional Certification Institutions: Salim Djati Mamma (Elements of journalists / leaders of press organizations)
Research and Development Commission: Frans P. Liwun, S.Sos, SPd (Elements of the head of the press organization)
Foreign Partnership Commission: Joseph Hutabarat, SE, SH, MH (journalist element)
Press Organization Empowerment Commission: Dedik Sugianto (Element of journalists / leaders of press organizations)
Secretariat Commission: Feri Rusdiono (Element of Journalist / press organization leader)
Commission on Public Relations: Moris Hutasoit (Elements of journalists / leaders of press organizations)

In addition to setting the Chair of the Chosen Press Council, the Plenary Meeting of the Indonesian Press Council also established the Indonesian Press Council Supervisory Board (outside the structure), namely: Marlon Brando, Edi Anwar, and Wesley Sihombing. The ranks of the Supervisory Board will still be filled by several other figures who are considered to have the capacity as press figures or community leaders.

With the complete formation of the Management Structure of the Indonesian Press Council, Chairman of the Indonesian Press Council Heintje Mandagi said, the next step is that all Members of the Indonesian Press Council must immediately work on the work program while awaiting recommendations from the Indonesian Press Congress submitted to the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

■ R/01

West Papua Regional Police Chief, Banning Police Rebonding Hair

INFONEWS.CO.ID ■ West Papua Regional Police Chief, Police Brigadier General Rudolf Alberth Rodja forbade the Police of Papuan women who have curly hair to do hair rebonding, which is the process of hair straightening.

"I forbade all Policewomen at the West Papua Regional Police to rebonding their hair. Because you have to be able to display the characteristics of a Papuan The beauty of Papua with its iconic, "Rudolf said to a number of journalists, after the apple of the security forces for the 2019 election, recently.

According to Rudolf, curly hair possessed by policewomen cannot be changed in shape, because it is already a gift from God.

"Try you (reporters) asking Polwan, dare not he give you rebonding his hair again. "Obviously I will move him to a place that people in remote areas don't see," he said.

Previously, said Rudolf, many Policewomen who have curly hair like rebonding. "But after there was a rebonding ban from me, many returned their hair as before," he said.

According to Rudolf, due to this ban they already knew the consequences. "So see now that a lot of hair has returned curly. But there is still one more person whose hair is still straight, and I have told him quickly. If not, then you move to Kaimana, "he said firmly.

Rudolf claimed to ban rebonding because he did not want a female police officer who did not want to recognize his identity as a Papuan. "Let Papuans have curly hair. Yes, curly. If it is set with good hair styling, it will look beautiful, and it is beautiful Papua, "he said.

One of the female police officers, AKP Agustina, whose daily life is as Head of Unit II Sub-Division I Kanit Dirskremum Polda West Papua, confirmed the prohibition of female police in West Papua to do rebonding.

"It is true that the Regional Police Chief forbade this. Therefore the form of attention to the regional princess. "The police chief does not want because hair rebonding is finally our uniqueness and characteristics as female police officers without realizing it is gone," said Agustina, yesterday.

According to Agustina, doing hair rebonding can be the same as doing genocide. "Black skin and curly hair. This is our characteristic as Papuans. That is a gift that must be preserved, what God has given us, "he said.

For this reason, Agustina hopes for 98 female police officers in the West Papua Regional Police, especially for female police officers to be able to maintain the unique characteristics of Papuans.

■ Tuman Jr 

Minggu, 17 Maret 2019

KPU Holds Sandi-Ma'ruf Debate at Sultan Hotel

INFONEWS.CO.ID ■ Two candidates for Vice-President of the Republic of Indonesia will take part in a debate on the vice presidential candidate in the 2019 Presidential Election on Sunday (3/17/2019) at 20.00 WIB. This is the third debate and will be held at the Sultan Hotel, Jakarta.

At the vice presidential debate in the 2019 Presidential Election, the KPU chose the themes of education, health, labor, as well as social and culture. The debate will be hosted by Alfito Deannova and Putri Ayuningtyas.

As for panelists, the KPU appointed nine experts to become panelists in the vice presidential debate. They are Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu, Yudian Wahyudi, Yos Johan Utama and Syahkuala University Samsul Rizal.

In addition there is a Literature Professor from Tanjungpura University Chairil Effendy, Professor of Social Sciences from USU Subhilhar, cultural observer Radhar Panca Dahana, Migrant Care Executive Director Anis Hidayah, and Chair of the Indonesian Medical Academy Board, David S Perdanakusuma.

■ Tuman Jr

Wilson: Regional Leaders Forum will be held in Bali October 2019

INFONEWS.CO.ID ■ 31st Conference of the Asean Japan Friendship Alumni Association Leadership Council held in Makati, Manila, Philippines some time ago it has been a success.

Of the five resolutions or important decisions that were made at the Conference, one of them was the appointment of Indonesia to host the 25th Regional Leaders Forum (RLF).

The RLF will be attended by no less than 150 participants from 11 countries, namely ten ASEAN countries, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Singapore and Indonesia, plus the Japanese delegation.

This was conveyed by President Kappija-21 (Alumni Family of the Indonesian Century 21st Friendship Program), Mulyono Lodji, through Secretary General Kappija-21, Wilson Lalengke, in Jakarta, on Friday (03/15/2019).

"The 31st Executive Council Meeting of the Asean Japan Friendship Alumni Association in Manila has finished, successfully produced several resolutions. One of them is the appointment of Indonesia, in this case Kappija-21, is hosting the Regional Leaders Forum, RLF, which will be attended by "Participants from all ASEAN countries and Japan," said Wilson, who was an Alumni of the Indonesian Japan Friendship Program in 2000.

Wilson explained that according to the agreement taken at the AJAFA-21 leaders' meeting in Makati, the RLF will be held in Bali for 4 days, from the 4th to 7th October 2019.

"According to the Makati Resolution, the RLF activity plan will be held in Bali for 4 days, from the 4th to 7th October 2019. We will work hard to prepare everything so that this international event can run well, smoothly and successfully," he said.

The meeting of leaders at the ASEAN regional level, said Wilson, will be utilized maximally as possible to hold activities that are fostering and preparing candidates for ASEAN young leaders.

He said Kappija-21 was targeting 5000 prospective young ASEAN leaders to attend. The activities were carried out in several cities in Indonesia, involving as many as possible of Kappija-21 Members in various regions.

"The target is as many as 5000 young ASEAN leaders from all over the country and Asean countries," Wilson said optimistically.

■ Tuman Jr

Seeing the replica of the Borobudur Temple in Gianyar Nusa Bali

INFONEWS.CO.ID ■ Life continues as water continues to flow in search of form and natural law. When humans are familiar with writing and living traditional technology, human intelligence develops and changes towards a more perfect civilization.

Historical evidence is widely spread and found in Javanese land in the form of inscriptions, monuments, temples and old documents. One of the biggest is Borobudur Temple.

Now you are looking at a replica of the temple which is one of the wonders of the world, which is in Magelang Regency, Central Java, or about 30 Km from the city of Yogyakarta, the name Borobudur Temple.

Borobudur Temple was founded by Wangsa Syailendra named Prabu Samaratungga in the 9th century and originated from the Mataram Kingdom of Medang Kamulan. The architect was named Gunadharma and Kumaragosa. The construction of the largest Buddhist temple in the world was continued by Princess Samaratungga named Sri Kahulunan Dyah Pramodawardhani.

Borobudur whose real name is Bhumi Shambara Budhara is in the form of punden berundak, with levels including: Karmawibangga, Kamadatu, Rupadatu, Arupadatu and Bodisatwa. The painting on the temple wall is a historical story of the journey of Sidharta Gautama (the Buddha) which must be read in the direction of the inverted clock.

The replica of Borobudur owned by Taman Nusa is made from the original stones of Mount Merapi and is done by sculptors from around the Borobudur and Muntilan temples. If you are around the replica of this temple while taking pictures, people will think you really are in the Borobudur Temple which is actually in Magelang.

So what are you waiting for? Let's learn and recognize the richness of Indonesian culture while enjoying the natural beauty of Bali at Taman Nusa.

■ Made Asnawa

MIUMI Curses Terrorism in Two Christchurch Mosques

INFONEWS.CO.ID ■ The Indonesian Intellectual and Young Ulama Council (MIUMI) gave a statement about the acts of terror that took place in two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, on Friday (3/15/2019).

MIUMI Secretary General, Bachtiar Nashir said that as part of a country with a majority Muslim population, MIUMI strongly condemned the massacres carried out by savage terrorists.

"This savage act is a behavior that is contrary to human values, tolerance of religious people and world peace," he said on Friday (03/15/2019).

He continued, for this reason MIUMI demanded from the New Zealand government to investigate quickly and thoroughly arrest and give the most severe punishment to the perpetrators.

MIUMI conveyed to the world that the terror that occurred would not stop the enthusiasm of Muslims to come to the mosque and the enthusiasm of people to embrace Islam.

MIUMI also urged the Indonesian government to sue the New Zealand government to provide genuine security guarantees, especially the security of mosques and Muslims in New Zealand. MIUMI also calls on Muslims all over the world to continue to pray in congregation in mosques without fear of staying alert and guarding themselves.

Bachtiar Nashir said that this event gave the world the impression that the existence of Muslims is always a protector and teaches tolerance but on the contrary if the position of Muslims as a minority is always the target of tyranny.

MIUMI calls on the people of Indonesia and the world not to be provoked by the savage acts carried out by international terrorists.

"Appealing to the world's Muslims not to take revenge on other people who are not involved and to hand over this matter to the authorities and authorities," said Bachtiar Nashir.

■ Tuman Jr

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